Jeff Spoerndle
Vice President | Best Crowd Management

Presenting a safe environment for all parties involved is step one in the business of live sports and entertainment, and it hasn’t become easier since COVID.

“In our crowd management and event security work, our employees are our most valuable resources,” says Jeff Spoerndle, vice president at Best Crowd Management, a Gardworld company. “The event staffing industry has a tough challenge: finding people who can work flexible hours, often on nights and weekends. At Best, we don’t just settle for anyone to fill these roles. We aim to find the right people who fit well in these positions. This helps us reduce the number of employees leaving, which in turn boosts performance at the locations and venues where we work.”

Talk is cheap, but Spoerndle, who in 2009 developed the Best event services brand, has good examples of meeting tough challenges.
“An example of our abilities lies in our collaboration with AT&T Stadium and the Dallas Cowboys,” he said. “We inked a long-term service contract and within a mere 19 days, mobilized over 500 dedicated employees for a high-profile stadium event — all in a market previously uncharted for us. This stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence.”

Technological advances in venue operations have helped move crowds more quickly, cut down on long lines and increase overall efficiency.

“The fusion of advanced technology with event security and crowd management is a game-changer,” Spoerndle says. “From security screening, venue admittance, access control, incident tracking and reporting it is an improved experience all around as this not only enhances safety but also streamlines operations, making events smoother and more secure.”

Much like other high-tech venue sectors, data is key for security operations, with innovative companies continuing to find better ways to use and mine that data.

“The shift towards proactive risk assessment is another trend that has my attention,” Spoerndle says. “By analyzing historical data, past experience and external factors, we can identify potential vulnerabilities beforehand. This proactive approach allows us to design tailored crowd management strategies, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions to ensure a secure event.”  — Ryan Borba

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