Matthew Garvin
Sr. Manager of Operations and Sustainability
Moody Center / Oak View Group

Matthew Garvin is focused on creating a healthy environment for fans and staff at the Moody Center in Austin, Texas. It’s not just about eliminating waste. Garvin enthusiastically cultivates an upbeat work culture.

He’s implemented positive climate change in the operations department, turning “work into a hobby” and prioritizing an atmosphere that makes staff want to volunteer for shifts and contribute to an often-thankless job.

“My department has experienced zero full-time and part-time turnover due to the culture that has been established and that means more to me than anything as a leader,” Garvin said. “A people-first approach has led to an exponential rate of professional development for my staff as well as myself. With how much weight that was placed on opening the Moody Center I take a lot of pride in where we are now.”

Garvin has worked in the industry for eight years starting as an unpaid operations intern for Major league Soccer’s Sporting KC. In his current role, he relies on current technology for premium results.

“Technology is advancing at an incredible rate and those who aren’t utilizing it for organization and execution are falling behind the curve,” he offered. “These practices and innovations all lead to a healthier facility management approach which results in a longer lasting venue which ultimately means more experiences to be shared for patrons and those who dedicate their work to creating these memories.”

Incorporating up-to-date technology has an impact beyond the Moody Center. Facilities that are actively improving their sustainability efforts and reducing their carbon footprint are having an immediate impact on their community.

“Live entertainment venues can do much more than just provide events; focuses on sustainable practices are starting to become a major priority and not just an afterthought, that is really exciting to be a part of from the infancy of this business approach,” said Garvin.
And growth equals opportunity.

“There are real opportunities for young individuals who are willing to put in the work and are critical thinkers,” he said. “The industry needs innovation and solutions. It’s up to those with a fresher perspective and the technical skill to help push the needle farther towards improvements on all fronts.”