TAX FREE: Busted plays at the 100 Club in London in 2018. (Getty Images) Government grants 50% break to some clubs in England and Wales After four years of lobbying the U.K. government on behalf of the country’s grassroots music venues, business taxes for small and medium-size venues in Wales and England have been slashed by 50%. What is more, the Music Venue Trust has found a so-called localism relief regulation by which it has managed to free one of the oldest grassroots music venues of Europe, London’s 100 Club, from having to pay such taxes at all. But first things first: The decision to slash business taxes, called business rates in the U.K., by 50%, according to the trust, releases over 1.7 million pounds, or $2.2 million, back into the sector, which endured the closure of 35% of U.K. grassroots music venues in the last decade. The new rate will… Continue Reading Huge Tax News for Grassroots U.K. Venues

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