Tag: Hiring and Recruiting

Recruiting Tip of the Month: October 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports. Personal branding and networking in the digital space In today’s digital world there are many tools to consume your time: Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc. We’ve seen a great deal of success with one platform that may seem obvious from a professional-use standpoint but, regardless, is incredibly beneficial. LinkedIn is a powerful tool when it comes to networking, sourcing business leads or simply discussing industry best practices. The sports and entertainment industries may seem expansive, but many executives and professionals interact on LinkedIn in order to grow and tailor their personal brand. Connecting with the right people, commenting/liking posts, posting original content, and being consistent are key factors in growing your network and properly branding yourself.  Given the scope of potential job opportunities, networking with the correct people affords you the opportunity… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: October 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: September 2019

 Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports. Personal Brand and ‘The 12th Man’ A concert is nothing without an audience. A team is nothing without its fans. These statements may seem obvious, but how often are you incorporating both audiences and fans into your brand? The bigger question is do you even know your personal brand? You will often hear people discuss putting the “fan first” or the classic “the customer is always right.” However, does that speak to the product or presentation you are putting out each concert, event, game? Not everyone is as fortunate to work in this industry. There are challenges, but the value of working in sports and entertainment is something not everyone can say they do for a living. That’s why you should bring that passion and excitement to your role each day. However, never… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: September 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: August 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports. How to create a strong recruiting strategy One of the biggest challenges in human resources that a company faces is the hiring process.  The time, finances and all that goes into hiring can be overwhelming and creates pressure beyond simply finding the best talent. Implementing a detailed recruiting strategy can help make the process more efficient and more consistent. The mistake many hiring managers make is beginning the hiring process without knowing the overall goal that all parties are trying to achieve. Do you need this person to be an experienced veteran with knowledge in all types of facilities and venues or do you have the infrastructure and processes in place to take a chance with a green up-and-comer who can grow with the company? What is the primary gap in your… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: August 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: July 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports When Developing Your Skills, Don’t Leave Out the Most Important: Soft Skills Our industry is built on hiring and retaining employees who are technically proficient in their jobs. They must be able to close the sale. They must be able to manage the food and beverage operation. They must be able to come up with a creative marketing promotion. They must be able to handle security issues if they arise at an event.  Being technically proficient in your role, however, is becoming only part of the job. In today’s world, soft skills are what separates out whether an employee can truly add value to the overall growth of an organization. Would you rather go to an event where the staff has trouble interacting with the attendees or one where the staff goes… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: July 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: June 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports Use the Summer Months to Regain Efficiency  With the summer months upon us, keeping motivated in addition to planning out the remainder of the year’s calendar is not an easy task for any venue manager or operator.  Amid chaos, how can management keep their staff going, engaged to either prevent loss of productivity or to avoid stress? How can staff members better prioritize and grind it out during the dog days of summer? The summer months are the time to invest in your team. What stresses did you experience in previous events that you can avoid moving forward? What are your team goals for June, July and August? Recognize and invest in your corporate culture, even if for a few minutes during the day, as that can make or break the success… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: June 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: May 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports. Three Myths on Sports Careers and How to Fight the Stigma 1. “I’m locked into this department/job since it’s all I’ve done.” One job does not define your career path. Having different experience can be beneficial, given you have been in multifaceted roles and know the highs and lows in each. However, be cognizant that too many jumps can look unprofessional.  2. “The only jobs are with a team or venue.” The sports and entertainment industries are more than just a team or a venue. Think about the components that help run the operation: outside vendors, agencies, brands/sponsors, back of house. All are part of our industry but may not have the same title or position as you’ve seen before.  3. “The role is intriguing, but the title doesn’t line up with… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: May 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: April 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports. The Do’s and Don’ts of Leveraging Your Network In the sports and entertainment industry, the people you come across are likely only one or two degrees of separation away from you, a colleague, a boss, or a vendor. But no matter the connection, there are lines between leveraging your network and overstepping boundaries, perceived as only looking out for yourself. Do: Use social media. LinkedIn uncovers 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections, which is helpful in your job search. You can also use LinkedIn when you are searching not for a job but rather for industry best practices or referrals.  Don’t: go overboard with adding contacts. The simplest rule of thumb: quality over quantity. Do: Update your resume and your LinkedIn profile as often as you can. Keeping it fresh will help… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: April 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: March 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports. How to Differentiate Yourself in the Interview Process With the talent pool increasing by the day, so does the competition for roles within our industry for high-level executive roles. For the job seeker, how can you differentiate yourself throughout the interview process? 1. Show your personality while maintaining professionalism. Don’t be afraid to be a human. Often, there’s pressure in an interview to be almost robotic. Remember that a cultural fit is just as important as a technical fit.   2. Share your wins. Tell your story but share the path that got you there. What challenges have you overcome and what were the results? How have you successfully negotiated with vendors or sponsors to save room in your budgets? How do you measure the success of your events and what makes a… Continue Reading Recruiting Tip of the Month: March 2019

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Recruiting Tip of the Month: February 2019

Ideas and suggestions on recruiting, interviewing and placement practices in the sports and entertainment industry from Prodigy Sports.

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